International Revolt Against Global Capitalism (Proletarios Internacionalistas)

Here is a translation of the latest communique from Proletarios Internacionalistas about the recent struggles around the world and the decisive need for them to converge and assume themselves as the global struggle of our class against the State and Capital. One more reminder that only through international proletarian unity, aware of but transcending all localist conditions and perspectives, can we bring an end to the capitalist nightmare that holds our planet in captivity.

[PDF for screen reading][print formatted/leaflet version]

The plaintext version follows: Continue reading

Postmodernity or the imposture of a false radicality (Barbaria)

Here is an english translation of a text by Grupo Barbaria which, coming from an uncompromisingly revolutionary perspective, makes a short but powerful critique of the platitudes of the various ideologies that loosely fall under the category of ‘postmodernist”. Ideologies which have notably achieved a wide and poisonous influence over radical movements across the world, effectively reducing class to “one more form of oppression” in the minds of numerous would-be revolutionaries, and thus negating the historical struggle of the proletariat and its centrality in the creation of a worldwide human community free from all forms of oppression and exploitation.

This timely text is an important reminder that the revolution for anarchy and communism is not the struggle for fair treatment, representation and recognition for “oppressed identities” on the part of Capital and the State, but their concrete negation and the total and absolute destruction of the class and mercantile society on a global scale.

pdfs: Screen ReadingPrint Formatted

The plaintext version follows: Continue reading

Me, Proletarian? (GCI-ICG)

screen readingformatted for printing

August of this year marked the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Internationalist Communist Group (GCI-ICG). Here is an english translation of an often referenced article that appeared in issue n.57 of their spanish language journal Comunismo which attempts to clarify the definition of the proletariat. The original article first appeared in 2008 but today it remains more relevant than ever.

The plaintext version follows: Continue reading

A Letter From Chile (Raoul Vaneigem)


What’s been happening has been so beautiful. Two weeks of uprising have already gone by which have allowed us to shake off the fear, the indolence and frustration of living under the dictatorship of money and meet as human beings, beyond all the identifications which had kept us separated.

From the beginning, the insurrection and its spontaneous generalization expressed its critique of the capitalist way of life by the deed, expropriating and destroying the symbols of capitalism and the State (supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, police stations, municipal buildings, etc.) There are loads of demands, so many that everybody knows that what’s needed here is a structural change. In the streets is heard “now nothing will ever be the same again”. Everyone’s desire to live has been reborn in the adventure of the anti-system struggle. Continue reading

Re-editions: “El Feminismo Ilustrado” (es) and “Apocalypse and Survival” (en)

Before closing this year of the common era, I want to share a few .pdf’s made recently for the physical ‘zine distro’ side of the Malcontent project:
A pamphlet version of the spanish translation of Gilles Dauve’s “Feminism Illustrated” (loosely made in the style of the french and english editions from Blast&Meor, + the brief author’s note from the new english edition translated into spanish for this edition)

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and also a pamphlet version of the english translation of Francesco Santini’s “Apocalypse and Survival” (new design and slightly corrected notations)

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Enjoy, and stay tuned – there’s a lot of new content being prepared for 2019!